What Was Sean Connery's First Job?

The Academy Award winning actor Sean Connery's first job was in 1944 as a milkman at age 14 in Scotland after dropping out of school. He made a weekly salary of approximately the equivalent of $1.65 US Dollars (USD) and worked there on and off for six years. Connery began his acting career after being spotted by a casting director while competing in the 1953 Mr. Universe men’s body building competition. By 1955, Connery had his first acting job and by 1962, he made his debut in the movie role that is widely considered iconic: James Bond, which he reprised over seven films through 1983.

More about Sean Connery:

  • Connery was paid around $16,000 USD for his first James Bond movie, and by his last appearance in 1983, his salary was over $6 million USD.
  • In 2002, the Scottish Connery was given British knighthood by Queen Elizabeth II – he was denied in 1998 due to his support of Scotland’s independence from the United Kingdom.
  • Connery enrolled in the Navy at the age of 16, but was discharged after just three years due to stomach ulcers.

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